2024-2025 SEASON


The 724 nonprofit theaters and theater companies, as compared to only 24 for-profit commercial venues
within the small venue theater industry, provide the most common access point
for many New York City audiences to experience professional theater.

Nonprofits, unlike commercial entities, do not distribute their profits to any shareholders and do not pay taxes,
leaving 100% of revenues to be re-circulated within the economy.

This season, we partner with local restaurants, bars, and businesses showing how integral we are to each other, and how the arts truly is at the center of our communities.

Bringing back one of Theatre East's most beloved programs, the Neighborhood Reading Series, to our home, the Court Square Theater.

The acclaimed Neighborhood Reading Series returns with an audience-favorite, the spooky, hilarious adaptation of Friday the 13th. Audience participation, raffle off some roles, drinks, candy, laughs, and thrills!

Court Square Theater in LIC

This year, we honor the incredible contributions of storyteller Tim Blake Nelson. From roles in films like O Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Old Henry, and Leaves of Grass, which he also wrote and directed to his plays including Eye of God , The Grey Zone, Socrates, to his directorial work with films such as O, The Grey Zone, Anesthesia, and Eye of God. Tim has demonstrated time and time again, a curiosity and compassion to explore the greater and often turbulent side of our humanity.

Join us cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and entertainment.

Court Square Theater in LIC

HCLAB in association with Theatre East presents annA, an intimate and explosive new take on Leo Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina adapted by Matt Minnicino. As Tolstoy’s doomed heroine wrestles with self-realization, Minnicino’s adaptation queers the classic tale with a resonant exploration of sexual and social identity.
annA is an experimental workshop production, presented in a black box theater, with minimal lighting, tech and costumes. It makes use of highly physical acting and magical realism to focus on telling this timeless and timely tale about choice, love, and if we can truly write the book of our own lives.

MARCH 7-22
The Jimmy Theater, Stella Adler Center for the Arts

This World Premiere explores the personal, often turbulent journey of faith. After losing a difficult pregnancy, a young evangelical couple faces another tragedy when Jenn suffers a stroke that not only removes all memory of the relationship with her husband but also removes all memory of the faith she has spent her life depending upon.


Court Square Theater in LIC

The series, which was founded in 2016, continues to present innovative new plays moving beyond the confines of traditional productions. Each season, we commission 5 playwrights, and hire 5 directors, along with 5 casts, to mount 5 brand new and unique short plays. Fulfilling one of our core beliefs to make theatre more accessible to all, tickets are available on a suggested donation basis.

As part of our continued commitment to play development, the Play Room is where scripts completed in the Writers Room are read and discussed in their entirety. Work developed here will potentially feed into other Theatre East programming, including the Neighborhood Reading Series, 5X5 Drama Series, and Main Stage productions.

Readings are free and open to the public.